Wednesday, January 9, 2008

February Book Suggestions

Hey all,

Submit your book ideas for February in the comments section (see link below).

Here's some to start (from last night's book meeting and from our ongoing list from past month's voting):

The Monkey Wrench Gang-
Edward Abbey [novel]

Are Women Human?-Dorothy L. Sayers [essays]

Amazing Grace-Jonathan Kozol [social science/journalistic research]

Persepolis 1: The Story of a Childhood and/or Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return-Marjane Satrapi [graphic novel]

Now get suggesting.


ellen_R said...

I would like to suggest "throwing like a girl" by Iris Young. It's a collection of essays about whether/how physical experience is gendered. Google it to learn more.

Unknown said...

In the same vein as Ellen, I was wanting to sugest "undoing gender" by judith butler, though it's quite possible it's too hard to find/expensive.

when it comes out in paperback, I'd be interested in reading Susan Wicklund's "This Common Secret" about her life as an abortion doctor.

Jessica said...

My Votes:
Throwing Like a Girl
Are Women Human

Unknown said...

throwing like a girl sounds good to me

Unknown said...

Did we vote? What won?

If we haven't counted yet I vote for Persepolis or Throwing like a girl.


snarkybumbler said...

Let me know what book was picked (its looking like "throwing like a girl" might be the winner?)so that i can get a start on it. Hope the movie was good!